Sunday, December 25, 2011

Week #86

Dear Everyone,

So this was a pretty good week. I did not spend a lot of time in my area though. Thus is the life of a Zone leader.

Monday: Spent the day in Bang Khen. There is a mall there that had bowling. So we went and played a few games with the other Elders in Bang Bua Tong. It was way fun. I lost all of the games, but that is okay. We had Sizzlers which is always way good. It is a little expensive so we do not go very often at all. We had done service in the morning as our proselyting hours, so we just relaxed the rest of the day. I also had to go to Pakkret to do an exchange with the Assistants. I went there with Elder Larson, so happens to be in my group, and Elder Warner stayed here with Elder Komkrit.

Tuesday: I spent the day with Elder Larson. It was a lot of fun. We got to talk a lot about the mission and our experiences. Way cool. I spent most of the day training how to be a Zone leader with him and we had a little time to go out and teach a lesson. We got a new investigator from it. We went and set up for the English class and that was when Elder Warner came to pick me back up and go to Bang Bua Tong.

Wednesday: We spent the morning in Pakkret again doing service at the church. We were putting stickers on mosquito nets. That was fun I guess. There are a lot of mosquito nets. Oh well. We had lunch at a good Mexican restaurant that all the missionaries go to. It was delicious. We spent the rest of the evening going over investigators and preparing for a training meeting.

Thursday: Elder Warner and I presented a training meeting on the Role of the Holy Ghost in Conversion. It was a 2 hour meeting and it went really smoothly. After the meeting, we sang Christmas songs as a zone and President and Sister Smith both gave thoughts. It was way good. We had that Mexican restaurant cater for us and it was really good. It was technically our Christmas dinner with Pres Smith. We taught a couple lessons in the evening that went well. Okay, so only one of them did and I will explain why. The second lesson was to a Cambodian family who can't really speak Thai. The brother who usually helps us translate was gone, so we tried to go on our own. That was a failure. It was the hardest lesson I have ever had to teach.

Friday: This was a long day. We spent the time cleaning on of our investigators houses. We got the walls and the floor clean. That was the hardest part, but thankfully we had a power washer. For about 3 hours of it, it was just me and Elder Warner and the investigators neighbors. It was a lot of hard, but good work. We went and got Pizza Company for dinner and she paid for it. That was way nice.

Saturday: So, I was again out of my area and into another area in Pakkret. I was on an exchange with the District leader there. You might remember Elder Ahlstrom from when I was in Buriram and he was in Surin. That was a lot of fun to go on an exchange again. We invited in this apartment complex and got 4 lessons and 5 new investigators. All in around 2 hours. That was sweet.

Sunday: I was in Pakkret for church and we had a good turn out. One of the people we taught yesterday came to church and that was way awesome. After 3 hours of church, he was wondering what he needed to do to prepare for baptism. Elder Ahlstrom now has a pretty good investigator in his hands. Went back to Bang Bua Tong for about an hour before we had to go back to Pakkret and practice singing for the District Christmas party. That will be great to go to.

That is all for this week!

Elder Ackerman

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