Sunday, September 25, 2011

Week #72

Dear All,

Wow, the weeks just keep passing by here in Roi-Et.

Monday: We had a pretty full evening actually. It was crazy. Not a lot of time for much. That was mainly at night out at the usual spot. During the p-day hours, now that was a different story. It was really nice to relax and nap a little.

Tuesday: We taught a couple lessons in the afternoon and before English class. That was it for the day. Found out that Sister Itow would be training and that Elder Merrell would be moving from Mahasarakam. It really wasn't too surprising that Sister Itow would be training. She is a really good missionary. The English class was fun.

Wednesday: So normally I would have gone down to Bangkok to renew my visa. It was not to be that way this transfers. Elder Todd and I stayed up in RoiEt to work the couple of days. We taught a couple lessons in the evening and it was a pretty good day.

Thursday: We had our usual long planning session and it went really well. We went out to work in the afternoon and taught some lessons. One was a woman from English and she is turning out to be pretty good.

Friday: We taught a few good lessons through out the day. I was shocked by the first guy of the day that we sat down with. It was crazy. He was questioning our motives and frustrated by our answers. It was quite an eye opener. i had never experienced that in my year and a half as a missionary in Thailand. I guess there is a first for everything. The rest of the day turned out well though.

Saturday: We only taught one lesson during the day. It was actually our last lesson. It was really good and I am impressed with the investigator. He is 21 and always asking questions and really trying to understand what we are teaching. It is great.

Sunday: We had 5 people attend church and 2 of them came from a part member family that we are working on right now. We taught them afterwards and were able to give them baptismal dates for in November. They live and hour and a half away from the city and come to the city for church on Sundays. We can only teach them on Sundays. They are pretty sweet. We taught another 3 lessons in the afternoon to some cool investigators.

That was it for this week!

Elder Ackerman

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