Monday, February 27, 2012

The Last Email!!

So I am not really going to email anything. I am a little too lazy too do so. I had an excellent week and I am not super trunky. Well, up until Sunday night I wasn't. I feel that being trunky will happen to everyone. It is just a matter of when :) I love you all so much and am excited to see you all in a little while!

Elder Ackerman

Monday, February 20, 2012

Week #94

Dear All,

So this turned out to be a pretty good week.

So I probably already told you all about last Monday, so I will just skip that. We did teach a couple of good lessons in the evening. Our investigators are doing well. We gave a new family of ours baptismal dates. That was way cool. Tuesday was a little bit better, but way crazy. We had interviews with P. Smith in the morning and then we had a District Meeting to go to as well. We didn't get back to our area until about 4 pm. That was not fun. We taught a good English class. Wednesday we had to teach a district meeting in Pakkret and then go on an exchange. It went well. I was with Elder Piyanut. He is one group behind me. We taught a couple of really cool lessons. Thursday we exchanged back and then me and E. Merrill did our weekly planning. We taught a a couple lessons in the evening and got some new investigators. Friday was the day. We baptized 2 of our investigators. It was so awesome. It was a way good experience. Saturday we taught a few more investigators and got a new family to start teaching. E. Warner and I had given them a Book of Mormon last transfers and I had forgotten about them. We never sat and taught them either. E. Merrill and I knocked on their door and I remembered them as soon as I saw them. At church on Sunday we had 5 people come to church and the 2 people baptized were confirmed. Way good experience. We taught another Cambodian as well. Pretty good week this week. I love you all!

Elder Ackerman

Week #93

Dear All,

Alright so here it goes. I can't believe how the time has gone by. I just hit my exact 2 year mark on the 10th. I am still just blown away at it all. So here is a little bit about this week.

We had a pretty good P-day last Monday. We went and had a Sports day in Pakkret. It was way fun, but the next day we were way hurting. We taught a lesson in the evening with one of our new families. They are pretty cool and the husband is way open. Tuesday was pretty okay. We had our District meeting in Pakkret and it was our turn as the Zone Leaders to teach it. Our meeting was interrupted by a rat that Elder Merrill was successful in chasing down and killing. I was close behind his tail. Way fun. We taught a way good English class in the evening and taught a couple investigators afterwards. They are way good. On Wednesday we had to spend 3 hours and travel up to Lopburi and teach another District meeting. Then after 2 hours of the meeting, we got back on a van and traveled back to Bangbuatong. I came back with Elder Petersen since we were doing an exchange with the District leader Elder Lesueur. That was fun and we taught a couple of good lessons. Thursday was a hard day because of the heat and all the inviting that we had to do. We were successful in getting 3 new investigators. A couple of the lessons were way hard and we had to rely a lot on the Spirit to say the right thing to open them up. By the end they are going to let us back and teach. Friday morning we had to go back to Lopburi and then back to Bangbuatong. We got back to our area at about 430pm. Such a long day. We did teach a couple of recent converts and 2 of our daters, Cambodians/Vietnamese people, interviewed and passed. It was way exciting. They are way cool. Saturday, we took some time and did our weekly planning and did some inviting. It was a little hard as we were both drained of energy. We taught 3 lessons in the evening that all went well. I am way exciting at what is happening with Bangbuatong. Sunday was great. We had 8 investigators attend church. After the meeting block was over, we sat down with Tan and Supat, the 2 who interviewed on Friday. Tan is the dad and Supat is his 9 year old son. They asked me to be the one to baptize them. I feel so honored because of how awesome they are. They baptism is on the 17th and will be the last baptisms I will have.

We are having such good weeks. We actually just got a call from Pres. Smith congratulating us on our week as a zone. Way sweet. I am having just a great time here. I love you all and I will see you all in the blink of an eye. I swear it is going that fast haha


Elder Ackerman