Monday, January 30, 2012

Week #91

Okay All,

So this was a stinkin' fantastic week. It was a blast. It for sure started out slow, but ended with a bang!

Monday: We went down into Bangkok and I picked up my suit. It turned out way good. We then went back to Major Cineplex and did some bowling for an hour or so. Way fun. We taught a couple lessons in the evening and they turned out well too. We taught one of our Cambodian families. They are way cute and so ready to be baptized. Due to the fact that they are Cambodian, they are under some necessary restrictions from President Smith.

Tuesday: We spent pretty much the whole day outside of our area. We went to Rangsit in the morning for District Meeting, had lunch at the Future Park right next door, then went into another area to do some ZL business and meet with the District President. We taught the normal English class and had a good amount of students present.

Wednesday: Zone Conference. It was a little weird considering I was actually the one presenting the majority of the material and not the one sitting and taking notes. It was way cool though. President Smith presented a talk that Elder Perkins had given on the Doctrine of Repentance. It was very fascinating. I am going to have to go back and do a several day study on it. I exchanged with Elder Mondragon, who is a new DL in Saphaan Mai. I was in his District when he first came into country. That was back with Elder Chapman in Buriram. It was fun getting to talk again and we taught a couple of good lessons to our Cambodian families.

Thursday: We taught a quick lesson in the morning before Elder Mondragon and I switched back. Elder Merrill and I came home and did our weekly planning. We went out and taught 4 lessons and got 4 new investigators. It was a very good evening. And the week just gets better from here.

Friday: We had a couple of lessons set up for the day, but at first we had to go out and take care of some more business for the zone. Had to report the baptisms for January, the goal for February (with names and dates) , and then the stretch goal for March. That took awhile to type all the names. We then went out and taught 6 lessons and found only 1 new investigator.

Saturday: We had a condensed Zone Leader Council with President Smith at the office for an hour. We got back and went out and taught another 4 lessons and got 5 new investigators. Very good!

Sunday: The best day of all. We had 9 investigators attend church, taught 4 lessons with a member and then taught another 3 with out. We found 3 more investigators and now we are beginning to teach a couple more families. One that we found, we had taught the dad on Saturday. The wife and his 2 daughters were there and he taught them how to pray in the lesson. It was way cool!

That was all that happened this week! Love you all!

Elder Ackerman

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Week #90

Dear Family,

So this has been a really fun week.

Monday: Went down to Bangkok after emailing to go try on the suit. Fits pretty well. I will pick it up on the next Monday (today really). We were only able to teach one lesson in the evening.

Tuesday: We had another good day and found out all what was happening for transfers. Elder Warner moved, but only to the other area. He will get a new companion and the Thai elders in the other area here will both be moving. Pretty crazy. We had a good English class. Taught lesson before English class too.

Wednesday: We went on an exchange with the other area here so Elder Warner could get to know the other area. I was with one of the Thai elders for the rest of the day. We taught 4 really good lessons before ending the day.

Thursday: Went down the the Pakkret building for transfers meeting. I am new companions with Elder Merrill from Kaysville, UT. He is now on transfers 13. He is way fun and this last little while will be a blast. We taught a 5 lessons through out the rest of the evening.

Friday: Another really good day. We did our weekly planning and then went out and did some work. We got another 4 lessons. We are going to be able to finish out the week pretty strong here.

Saturday: We spent the whole day really preparing for Zone Conference next week, and we attended the baptism of our investigator. It was a great experience. She had been learning for 6 months. I am glad I was able to be here when she got baptized.

Sunday: Over all good day. We had to go to Rangsit to interview an investigator. She passed and she will be baptized in a little while. We taught a lesson and that was our day.

Thanks for all of your love and support!


Elder Ackerman

Week #89

Dear All,

This was a fun week. It was lacking a little work wise, but we got a good amount accomplished I feel.

Monday: It was so much fun. We went into Bangkok and I got my suit cut. Well, he measured it and I will need to go back a couple of times. We went to the wax museum in Siam Paragorn (the most hi-so mall in Thailand). It was way sweet! We taught a lesson in the evening when we got back.

Tuesday: We had a leadership meeting in the morning that we had to attend. It was given by the Assistants. It went really well and learned some new stuff. Afterwards we taught a couple of lessons and taught English.

Wednesday: We spent all day out side of our area. We taught a District meeting in Ayutaya, and then Elder Warner and I split up. He went with the 2 Elders in Ayutaya and I went to Lopburi. It was fun doing some training and observing. I remember when that really helped me when I was a younger missionary. It is a lot less threatening.

Thursday: We got back to our area kind of. We taught a couple of more district meetings that all went really well. Got back in time to teach a couple of lessons to our investigators.

Friday: We had our District meeting to teach and then went on an exchange so Elder Heftel (our DL) could interview our dater. The interview went well and we taught a couple of lessons together. Found a new investigator as well.

Saturday: Oh boy. I had to sit in a meeting for 5 hours with Elder Gong as he trained the Thailand leadership. It was so long!! Taught a lesson in the evening.

Sunday: A good day. We taught 3 lessons and refound an investigator we thought had disappeared for good. That was comforting.

Umm, yeah.

Love ya!
Elder Ackerman

Monday, January 9, 2012

Week #88

Dear Everyone,

So this was actually a really good week for us here in Bang Bua Tong.

Monday: We went to a way high-so mall. It is called Siam Paragorn. They have all sorts of stuff. They have a few car dealerships inside, including a Lamborghini one. It was way sweet. They also have a wax museum made of famous people. We are going to do that today. It will be way fun. We taught a couple of good lessons in the evening.

Tuesday: This was a pretty terrible day. All of our lessons just did not work out. No one was really listening and one person we had to drop as a dater due to her unwillingness to pay her tithing. It was quite a struggle. As well as for English, we had no students go. Oh well.

Wednesday: This was a little bit better of a day. We taught a couple of lessons from inviting and knocking on doors. We also taught a couple member referrals in the evening. They are new investigators as well. It should be fun to teach them because they are teachers at their congregation.

Thursday: This was a much better day. From inviting on Wednesday, we got a couple of return appointments. They have both turned out to be really good and interested. Elder Warner and I are pretty pleased with the work here. We taught a Cambodian family as well. They are doing good.

Friday: Turned out alright I suppose. We taught a couple more good lessons. We taught our former dater and she was much better today and committed to pay tithing after baptism even though it will be a really big challenge.

Saturday: I went to Rangist, my old area, on an exchange with Elder Chamberlain, my old companion. It was way fun and we had a really successful day. We taught a total of five lessons, and got five new investigators. It was way fun and I was happy. Our previous transfer was so incomplete that the Force was way out of balance. This exchange brought it back into balance. All is well in the universe.

Sunday: Spent the few hours of church in Rangsit and then went back to Bang Bua Tong. We had a good rest of the day and taught a couple of lessons. Found a couple new investigators too. All in all a good week.

Love you all!

Elder Ackerman