Monday, January 30, 2012

Week #91

Okay All,

So this was a stinkin' fantastic week. It was a blast. It for sure started out slow, but ended with a bang!

Monday: We went down into Bangkok and I picked up my suit. It turned out way good. We then went back to Major Cineplex and did some bowling for an hour or so. Way fun. We taught a couple lessons in the evening and they turned out well too. We taught one of our Cambodian families. They are way cute and so ready to be baptized. Due to the fact that they are Cambodian, they are under some necessary restrictions from President Smith.

Tuesday: We spent pretty much the whole day outside of our area. We went to Rangsit in the morning for District Meeting, had lunch at the Future Park right next door, then went into another area to do some ZL business and meet with the District President. We taught the normal English class and had a good amount of students present.

Wednesday: Zone Conference. It was a little weird considering I was actually the one presenting the majority of the material and not the one sitting and taking notes. It was way cool though. President Smith presented a talk that Elder Perkins had given on the Doctrine of Repentance. It was very fascinating. I am going to have to go back and do a several day study on it. I exchanged with Elder Mondragon, who is a new DL in Saphaan Mai. I was in his District when he first came into country. That was back with Elder Chapman in Buriram. It was fun getting to talk again and we taught a couple of good lessons to our Cambodian families.

Thursday: We taught a quick lesson in the morning before Elder Mondragon and I switched back. Elder Merrill and I came home and did our weekly planning. We went out and taught 4 lessons and got 4 new investigators. It was a very good evening. And the week just gets better from here.

Friday: We had a couple of lessons set up for the day, but at first we had to go out and take care of some more business for the zone. Had to report the baptisms for January, the goal for February (with names and dates) , and then the stretch goal for March. That took awhile to type all the names. We then went out and taught 6 lessons and found only 1 new investigator.

Saturday: We had a condensed Zone Leader Council with President Smith at the office for an hour. We got back and went out and taught another 4 lessons and got 5 new investigators. Very good!

Sunday: The best day of all. We had 9 investigators attend church, taught 4 lessons with a member and then taught another 3 with out. We found 3 more investigators and now we are beginning to teach a couple more families. One that we found, we had taught the dad on Saturday. The wife and his 2 daughters were there and he taught them how to pray in the lesson. It was way cool!

That was all that happened this week! Love you all!

Elder Ackerman

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