Dear All,
So this turned out to be a pretty good week.
So I probably already told you all about last Monday, so I will just skip that. We did teach a couple of good lessons in the evening. Our investigators are doing well. We gave a new family of ours baptismal dates. That was way cool. Tuesday was a little bit better, but way crazy. We had interviews with P. Smith in the morning and then we had a District Meeting to go to as well. We didn't get back to our area until about 4 pm. That was not fun. We taught a good English class. Wednesday we had to teach a district meeting in Pakkret and then go on an exchange. It went well. I was with Elder Piyanut. He is one group behind me. We taught a couple of really cool lessons. Thursday we exchanged back and then me and E. Merrill did our weekly planning. We taught a a couple lessons in the evening and got some new investigators. Friday was the day. We baptized 2 of our investigators. It was so awesome. It was a way good experience. Saturday we taught a few more investigators and got a new family to start teaching. E. Warner and I had given them a Book of Mormon last transfers and I had forgotten about them. We never sat and taught them either. E. Merrill and I knocked on their door and I remembered them as soon as I saw them. At church on Sunday we had 5 people come to church and the 2 people baptized were confirmed. Way good experience. We taught another Cambodian as well. Pretty good week this week. I love you all!
Elder Ackerman
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