Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Week #78

Dear One and All,

So this was a pretty okay week. Lots of stuff going on here in Thailand. For all those who have seen Thailand in the news with the flooding, I am doing alright. RoiEt has not flooded. We are too high up. Missionaries are moving out of the flooded areas to work in non flooded areas. Everything is all good. It is in the Lords hands.

Monday: This week started out well. We had a good preparation day and actually got around to cleaning. It was one of those "round to its". We also had a good amount of time to relax and get some needed rest for the coming week. We taught a couple of lessons in the evening as well.

Tuesday: We went to the former branch presidents house to continue doing some service for him. We moved a lot of dirt from one side of the fence to the other. It was fun I suppose. We taught the usual English class in the evening and were able to teach a couple quick lessons afterwards.

Wednesday: We had a good District Meeting in the afternoon. It was on the missionary purpose and about baptism. I guess I can say it was good because I gave it. You will have to ask the other missionaries if was actually good or not. Taught a couple lessons in the afternoon and evening.

Thursday: We had our usual long planning which went well this week. We were able to squeeze in a couple of good lessons before going home for the evening.

Friday: We went to the former BP's house again to do some more service. We built up a sewer drain again with brick and concrete. That was actually a lot of fun. Some good hard out door work. We taught 3 lessons through the evening to finish it off. We found a new investigator as well, teaching him in his house.

Saturday: A little slower of a day for us. We were able to teach a Recent Convert lesson in the morning and then a lesson to finish out the day. We actually had a lot of lessons set up for during the day, but they all fell through in the end. It was a little sad.

Sunday: For this Sunday, we unfortunately only got 2 investigators at church. We are not sure what happened to the rest of them. We taught a couple lessons in the afternoon. It was a good end to the week.

That is all for this week. Transfers is not happening on Thursday and will not happen until further notice. Probably only 2 weeks though.

Elder Ackerman

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Week #77

Dear Everyone,

So this was a pretty down week. I was down and out for a couple of days due to getting sick. Ugh.

Monday: The week started out okay. We had a good preparation day. It was very relaxing. We went and got pizza for lunch at his legit Italian restaurant. Pretty stinking good I'd say. They had the best garlic bread I have had in a long time! So got home and had good relax time. We went out to Nong Jig and taught a couple of lessons. They turned out okay, but they could have been better.

Tuesday: During the morning at around 12pm, I had a slight fever hit me. It was not too bad, so we decided to continue on and I was not going to give in and stop working for the day. I was going to finish out the day, whether or not. It got way bad before English and I sat the class out with a high fever and the chills. I layed on the ground for a little while and I think I knocked out. Then Sister Itow felt my head and got Elder Todd and told us to go home, to which I did not argue. Turned out to be the worst night of sleep ever. Oh well. We did teach one lesson before English.

Wednesday: The sleep I finally did get was during studies when my headache went away for a little bit. That was nice. I was so tired through the day and had some stomach issues as well. We taught one lesson in the evening, but that was it for the day. I did sleep a little better. but waking up in the middle of the night with diarrhea is annoying.

Thursday: We got up nice and early in the morning to get on a 2 hour bus ride up to Khon Kean for some training. The meeting turned out to be really good. It was on how to begin teaching and we learned/reviewed (in my case) what it should be like. It was fun and we got to practice a lot. We went to lunch at Sizzlers afterwards and that was fantastically amazing. I had not yet had it here in Thailand, but Sister Itow commited me to eat it. So I did. So worth it. A little on the expensive size for a missionary, but whatever. Traveled back to Roi Et with Elder Hardy for an exchange. Managed to teach one lesson for the evening.

Friday: We spent the morning studying and Elder Hardy trained me on some stuff, mainly on being a better District Leader. It was good and I learned some good pointers. We sat down with a brother who had been a member for about 20 years here in RoiEt and we had a list of all men who were 18 and older. We found out who was in which area and now I have a list of people to find and baptise their families. We taught a lesson in the evening out in Nong Jig. Lots of fun.

Saturday: We exchanged back in the morning with Elder McDonald and Elder Todd. Then we spent the rest of the day planning for the next week. We had not any time to plan the whole week. It went a little long, but it was good. We taught a lesson or two before heading back to the house.

Sunday: We had a pretty good Sunday. We taught a good lesson after church to a couple of our daters. We also taught a lesson off of a find to a soldier. That was an okay lesson. He did not accept a return lesson with us. Oh well. Agency is a good thing. A gift from God.

That is all for this week.

Elder Ackerman

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Week #76

Dear Everyone,

So we had an alright week. It for sure ended good. I love General Conference.

Monday: So during the day before we started our normal proselyting hours, we went back to the former Branch Presidents house to continue doing service. It was a blast and they had an activity made from it with the youth. It was a lot of fun and some good hard work. We had a couple lessons in the evening and taught some new investigators.

Tuesday: We had an alright day going for us. We really did not have a lot of time due to the fact that we had to work on the new visa paperwork. That was fun. Not really. A lot of time wasted and all that good stuff. Oh well, it needed to happen. We were able to teach a couple of good lessons and teach our English class as well.

Wednesday: This was actually a really nice day. All of our appointments went through in the evening and we had a lot of fun teaching. We had to spend more time in the afternoon to go inviting and try to find some new investigators. It did not go very well.

Thursday: Another busy morning. We had our usual weekly planning and that went very well. We then headed over to the hospital (that is where are all the doctors are, there are not any real clinics) to get a physical done for the visa. That took only an hour and the physical consisted of the doctor listening to my breathing and check my lymph nodes. That was it. Way easy and way cheap haha Only 1 dollar and 10 cents. Fantastic. It was a joke of a physical. We taught a couple lessons in the evening. I also had to travel to Mahasarakham to do an interview.

Friday: Took care of that interview in the evening. Elder Jensen and I had some good inviting time considering all of the set up appointments fell through on us. Oh well. It was fun. Giving interviews for baptism are always a good experience.

Saturday: Okay, now for the good stuff! General Conference! It was such a fantastic conference. It was also the first time I have not fallen asleep for any of the sessions. That was quite the accomplishment! At least I felt good about myself. All I have to say is that Elder Holland punched us in the face and exploded our minds. Like usual :) I also really enjoyed Elder Uchtdorf's talk on our potential to be like God. Pretty sweet. We taught a lesson afterwards and then ended the evening with ice cream (can't help it, tradition).

Sunday: Another most excellent day. We did the whole conference thing and then went out to go teaching. At first all of our appointments fell through, but they were made up by our finding efforts. It was good. We taught a less-active and his 2 friends. They are now both new investigators. We also found a small family. It was very awesome. We ended the day with a good dinner from the members.

I am so thankful to be a missionary of the Lord Jesus Christ. I know this church is true and that President Monson is the Lord's representative here on the earth.

Elder Ackerman

Week #75

Dear Everyone,

So this was a pretty fun week. Our work was not at its highest, but we were pretty pleased for the week. The Sisters have been doing well recovering from a week in the hospital. They destroyed there area this past week. Quite an incredible bounce back into the work.

Monday: We had a pretty good day. We were able to chill around the house, clean a little, take a nap. It was very nice. We got out to teach a couple of lessons in the evening. I did an exchange with Elder Christenson. It was fun. I will be with him until Wednesday.

Tuesday: We were able to teach a couple lessons. It was a fun day. It was weird having studies cut short. Elder Christenson no longer has the extended schedule, so I had the normal studies for in the morning. Kind of weird. The English class was fun and we had a lot of people show up for it.

Wednesday: In the morning, the Zone leaders came to the church to give us some specialized training. It was really good and I learned a lot. The focus was on chapter 11 in Preach My Gospel. We taught another couple lessons in the evening after switching back with Elder Todd.

Thursday: We taught a couple lessons and had a cool experience too. While we were walking down this one street, we had a guy on a motorcycle come to us and told us to come to his house. You could smell alcohol on him, but we decided to appease him. We showed up and had an interesting lesson. We were able to set up a return appointment. Just reminds me in PMG chapter 9, talks about how they will be led to us, or we will be led to them.

Friday: Another good day. We set up a lesson with one of the members grandparents. It was good and they have turned into 2 new investigators. They are out at Nong Jig and live right next door to another member family. I hope that the teaching turns out good.

Saturday: We were only able to teach one lesson. It was really good and the investigator is doing good. We spent some time inviting, but we were not met with any success.

Sunday: Well it poured this morning. I am surprised we had anyone at church. Rain deters a lot of people. Kind of annoying. But, we did have a couple come from another town, an hour and a half away, in the rain, on a motorcycle. That was pretty cool. The rain stopped during church and it was all good afterwards. We went the the branch presidents for dinner again. We had a good meeting and requested some stuff from him. He is a little overwhelmed and did not know where to begin. He was very grateful that we gave him some stuff to do. Dinner was delicious.

That was all for this week!

Elder Ack