Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Week #78

Dear One and All,

So this was a pretty okay week. Lots of stuff going on here in Thailand. For all those who have seen Thailand in the news with the flooding, I am doing alright. RoiEt has not flooded. We are too high up. Missionaries are moving out of the flooded areas to work in non flooded areas. Everything is all good. It is in the Lords hands.

Monday: This week started out well. We had a good preparation day and actually got around to cleaning. It was one of those "round to its". We also had a good amount of time to relax and get some needed rest for the coming week. We taught a couple of lessons in the evening as well.

Tuesday: We went to the former branch presidents house to continue doing some service for him. We moved a lot of dirt from one side of the fence to the other. It was fun I suppose. We taught the usual English class in the evening and were able to teach a couple quick lessons afterwards.

Wednesday: We had a good District Meeting in the afternoon. It was on the missionary purpose and about baptism. I guess I can say it was good because I gave it. You will have to ask the other missionaries if was actually good or not. Taught a couple lessons in the afternoon and evening.

Thursday: We had our usual long planning which went well this week. We were able to squeeze in a couple of good lessons before going home for the evening.

Friday: We went to the former BP's house again to do some more service. We built up a sewer drain again with brick and concrete. That was actually a lot of fun. Some good hard out door work. We taught 3 lessons through the evening to finish it off. We found a new investigator as well, teaching him in his house.

Saturday: A little slower of a day for us. We were able to teach a Recent Convert lesson in the morning and then a lesson to finish out the day. We actually had a lot of lessons set up for during the day, but they all fell through in the end. It was a little sad.

Sunday: For this Sunday, we unfortunately only got 2 investigators at church. We are not sure what happened to the rest of them. We taught a couple lessons in the afternoon. It was a good end to the week.

That is all for this week. Transfers is not happening on Thursday and will not happen until further notice. Probably only 2 weeks though.

Elder Ackerman

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