Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Week #80

Dear Everyone,

So this was a pretty fun week. A lot of exciting things happening.

Monday: So we had a pretty good P-Day. We relaxed did the usual napping and such. We went out to Nong Jig for the evening and taught a few lessons. Our investigators out there are doing alright, but still need some work for sure. It was an overall good evening.

Tuesday: We had a good proselyting day, well I guess we did. We had a lot planned to do through out the day and it all fell through. We had a couple investigators that we wanted to go visit and none of them were at home. That was alright. We taught a lesson before English started. That turned out well. The English class was fun and we had a good turn out. Our lesson that we wanted to teach in the evening fell through, so we just went and had dinner.

Wednesday: We had another pretty okay day. District Meeting was a lot of fun. It went well and I got a couple complements from the missionaries that I am over. Lots of finding time during the day, but not a lot of finding people to teach. We talked to several people, but it is sometimes hard to get into there house and teach a lesson. We went out to Nong Jig again and taught a couple of lessons.

Thursday: We had a good couple hours of weekly planning to get on the same page. We taught a couple of lessons. We went and visited a recent-convert family. Actually it was the family that I baptised. They are struggling a little bit with going to church, but we are working on it with them. I love that family so much and want to see them really preparing to go to the temple. We had a really effective Coordination meeting with the branch as well.

Friday: Friday evening was the only teaching that we did for the day. Visited another 3 recent converts out at Nong Jig as well. They are doing well. I also got a call from the Assistants that I would be moving from RoiEt Sunday night. Elder Todd had to go down to renew his visa and I was moving. It was a little shock because it was so soon and not very well prepared on my part for it.

Saturday: We spent the afternoon packing and cleaning up the house. Took about 3 hours to take care of. We had also planned for the day to go with Brother Suteb and his wife to go to Suwanapum to teach some referrals and a current investigator family. It was about an hour away by car. We did teach a couple of lessons and got some new investigators as well. It was good and we got dinner as well with our family down there.

Sunday: Had the normal church block. Had 5 investigators come to church. That was a success. We taught a lesson afterwards and then went to the house to eat some lunch. We went and contacted a referral from a member and that turned out okay as well. We spent sometime finding, taught that recent convert family again and told them I was getting on a bus at 930 pm. They were kind of bummed, but they will do just fine. We then went back home and had dinner made by our member neighbours. That was so good! Then went to the bus station with Brother Suteb and his wife and went down to Bangkok.

I am now going to be serving in Rangsit, but at the moment it is flooded, so I do not know where I am going/ what I will be doing. Something maybe about going to Loburi and doing some service. I don't know. Well I love you all!!

Elder Ackerman

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